Creative Direction

Game Changer

How do you demonstrate IBM’s analytics capabilities to stat-obsessed execs in box seats, as well as casual fans in the crowd? We developed the Game Changer campaign to demonstrate how IBM uses data to make an impact from the front office to the ball field.

Key art: Print, OOH, Display

Key art: Print, OOH, Display

Illustrated letterforms depicted IBM’s data insights as a competitive advantage in sports and business. The fun, accessible illustrations also inspired the copy direction and were customized for sporting events around the world.

Broadcast: Legacy of Innovation

Broadcast: Legacy of Innovation

Long before “Moneyball”, Bobby Jones was using data science to change the game. We cut a spot from archival footage to create a timeless story about using innovation to get an edge on the competition.

The Results:

The campaign was recognized for its innovative use of real-time data by The Most Contagious Report and FWA Site of the Day.